Brain tumor refers to a disease in the brain which involves an obnoxious increase in the malignant cells arising in the brain tissue. These cancer cells form a mass of cancer tissue which interferes with the normal working of the brain. The functions of the brain start disturbing such as muscle control, memory, sensation, and other normal body functions. Brain tumors come in all shapes and size- and so do their warning signs.
The symptoms of the brain tumor depend on several factors like on their type, age of the person, etc.
#1 Persistent headaches
It’s hard to even for the doctors to spot a difference between headaches that arise from the brain tumor and the normal headaches. The best indicator is a headache that doesn’t go away whole day and night and continues to persist for a sufficiently long time. Changes in the frequency of headaches can be an obvious sign of brain cancer.
The intensity of headaches continue to increase with time, and you feel surrounded with a headache most of the times right from the beginning of the day. The key to acknowledge the exact reason behind a headache is that if a headache continues to persist even after medications and rest.
#2 Seizures
A seizure is a common symptom with people suffering from brain cancer. Seizures also are known as ‘fits’ are considered as the first sign of trouble. A seizure is a kind of attack due to some abnormal electrical activity that occurs in the brain due to interference from malignant cells. Studies suggest that about 60% of brain tumor patients will experience the seizure at least once during their illness.
#3 A subtle loss of vision
Patients who are having brain tumor will never notice this sign at first. In case they see any changes in their eyesight they will not associate it with the brain tumor. People may experience blurred vision, making it difficult to read and watch TV. In some cases, sudden loss of vision or ‘greying out’ may also occur.
#4 Weakness and lethargy
The brain has complete charge of muscle movements throughout the body. The right cerebellum controls the left part of the body, and the left cortex controls the right part of the body. In brain tumor, people don’t experience enough pain, but arms and legs movements stop responding in they way they used to. There is a loss of proper functioning of arms and legs; the person may feel weakness and becomes lethargic.
#5 Clumsiness
Clumsiness is experienced at a later stage when the tumor begins to increase. A patient may find himself sleeping for most of the times or the whole of the day. A patient may find himself fumbling with keys, missing steps and has struggled in keeping the balance of the body.
#6 Slurred and stuttering speech
Brain cancer disrupts the functioning of the body and results in a complete imbalance in all aspects. Brain tumors can cause difficulty in speaking. A person starts experiencing language problems such as difficulty in speaking fluently, difficulty naming objects or understanding what others are saying.
#7 Numbness
Some brain tumors cause numbness or tingling in the hands and feet. Losing feeling in hands or face is something to keep an eye at. It is experienced in cases in which the tumor starts to form on the brainstem, a part which connects the brain to the spinal cord.
#8 Changes in memory and thinking
Some other subtle signs affect your overall sense of well-being. Brain tumor causes impairment of healthy brain tissue, disrupting the normal function of that area. Patients are likely to face problems in remembering things, feeling confused most of the times or impaired thinking.
#9 Loss of hearing and ear ringing
If the tumor is located in the temporal lobe, symptoms may include difficulty in hearing, speaking, learning new information, etc. a patient experiences a constant ringing sensation from one ear and difficulty in hearing from another ear. It is a condition known as tinnitus.
#10 Loss of balance
If the tumor is present in cerebellum part of the brain, it conflicts with the functioning related to maintenance of the proper balance of the body. The symptoms include lack of coordination, difficulty in walking and speaking and stiffness in the neck.
In case you develop any of the symptoms mentioned above and are worried, rush to your doctor without wasting time.