What is Uterine Cancer?
Uterine cancer starts in the uterus which is a part of the female reproductive system. The uterus is a hollow large organ in which the baby starts growing after the egg meets with the sperm. The lower part region below the uterus is cervix which leads into the vagina. Malignant growth of cancerous cells in uterine cancer starts in the lining ankara erotik shop of the uterus.
Uterine Cancer Risk Factors:
The exact cause of uterine cancer is yet unknown but the Medical Science has come up with certain factors which increase the probability of getting uterine cancer. These are known as risk factors. Risk factors for uterine cancer antalya erotik shop include:
- Suffering from obesity
- Relying on Hormone replacement therapy after menopause
- Experiencing Irregular menstrual periods
- Any kind of past radiation treatment in the pelvic area
- Any family history of uterus or colon cancer
In case you are prone to any of the risk factors discussed above, you must attentively self-exam yourself once every month for any of the signs or symptoms of uterine cancer.
Symptoms of Uterine Cancer:
Symptoms of uterine cancer may show up in the early stages as well as in the advanced stages of cancer. The primary sign of uterine cancer is anal sex experiencing an unusual heavy vaginal bleeding. About 95 percent of the women who are diagnosed with uterine cancer have shown vaginal bleeding as a significant symptom.
Identifying the signs is a big deal and here are some symptoms which are worth rushing you to a doctor.
1. Vaginal Bleeding
As discussed above, vaginal bleeding is considered as a significant sign of uterus cancer. It is seen in about 90 percent of the cases. If your periods are yet about to come, and you experience sudden bleeding from the vagina then, it is not normal.
Also, if you experience such bleeding after menopause you need to check your doctor.
2. Pelvic pain that won’t go away
Not everyone with uterine cancer will have pain but persistent pelvic pain can be a sign which you must not ignore. It is because due to abnormal growth of cancerous cells uterus becomes enlarged. You may start experiencing cramping and pain in the pelvic region. You may also feel pain while doing sex or when going to the bathroom. So in short if you experience discomfort in the abdominal or pelvic region, it demands a visit to the doctor.
3. A palpable mass in your pelvic area
Masses or cysts that form in the pelvic region are a sac filled with fluid. These are a great matter of concern. Sometimes, these masses go away in the menstrual cycle but if they persist for long then it may probably be a warning sign.
4. Pain during sexual intercourse
Uterine cancer results in hormone imbalances and tissue damage. Due to this, you may experience a pain during sexual intercourse. Experiencing a slight pain is normal, but a persistent pain in the abdominal region during intercourse should not be ignored.
5. Anemia or Fatigue
Heavy prolonged vaginal bleeding and changes in the whole body often lead to anemia or fatigue. These are secondary signs of cancer which are vibrator often accompanied by primary signs.
6. Frequent urination
People suffering from uterine cancer experience a pressure in the pelvis more often. They also experience frequent urination due to the pressure. They also notice blood in their stool or a sudden pain while passing the stools. These signs related to the bladder are often an indicator of uterine problems which may also include cancer.
7. Abnormal vaginal discharge
It is quite normal to experience some discharge from the vagina but if it is completely abnormal and persistent then let your doctor know. You may notice that the amount or color seems different than usual. Abnormal bleeding and vaginal discharge signs should not be ignored in any case. Go and see your doctor for proper diagnosis of the problem.
It is not necessary that these signs do indicate uterine cancer, they may also relate to some other uterus problems. For this reason, it is very important to see your doctor in order to differentiate between symptoms of uterine cancer from signs of a benign condition.